How To Freeze Dry Food (3)

Freeze-drying candies can be an exciting and fun process that helps preserve the texture and flavor. You need proper ingredients and materials like candies, a freeze dryer, parchment paper, a silicone baking mat, and air tire containers for storage.

  • Unwrap the candies and place all of them on a parchment paper or silicone baking bag.
  • Make sure that your sweets are spread out and not touching each other.
  • The freeze drying process usually involves lowering the temperature to freezing the sweets and gradually increasing the temperature while removing the moisture.
  • Take out the tray from your freeze dryer and put different types of candies that can be freeze-dried together in the tray.
  • Put that tray inside the freeze dryer and carefully set the recipe for automatic operation inside your equipment.
  • Place all the prepared candies in a freeze-dryer for a few hours, as this step helps your candy to dry thoroughly.
  • Please take out the frozen sweets and arrange them on the freeze dryer trays while making sure that they are placed away from each other.

After that, remove them and see if the moisture is totally removed. When you see that there is crispiness and more freshness, your candies are freeze-dried equally. Before storing them, you must cool down your candies to room temperature. After the process, transfer all the freeze-dried sweets to an airtight container to maintain their crispiness, and always store them in a dry or cool place away from direct sunlight.

You can experiment with various candies types to see which one freeze-dried more efficiently. Always pay attention to manufacturers’ instructions. Be careful with candies that have fillings because they may not freeze dry as successfully as the others will.


  1. How long does it take to dry sweets? Exactly how many hours? Can I use the small device to dry sweets, batch after batch, until I produce the largest number of sweets to sell, or will the device not work for long periods? Please answer. Thank you.

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